Grada Kilomba
Heroines, Birds and Monsters
Online viewing room
May 28 to June 18, 2020

A World of Illusions, 2019 Six-channel video installation Edition of 5 Installation views at the Maxim Gorki Theatre, Berlin. Photos by Kathleen Kunath, courtesy of the artist.

A World of Illusions, 2019 Six-channel video installation Edition of 5 Installation views at the Maxim Gorki Theatre, Berlin. Photos by Kathleen Kunath, courtesy of the artist.

A World of Illusions, 2019 Six-channel video installation Edition of 5 Installation views at the Maxim Gorki Theatre, Berlin. Photos by Kathleen Kunath, courtesy of the artist.

A World of Illusions, 2019 Six-channel video installation Edition of 5 Installation views at the Maxim Gorki Theatre, Berlin. Photos by Kathleen Kunath, courtesy of the artist.
Illusions Vol. III, Antigone, 2019 + INFO

Heroines, Birds and Monsters series, Creon Act I, 2020 + INFO
“What if history has not been told properly?
What if only some of its characters have been revealed
as part of the narrative?”

Heroines, Birds and Monsters series, Creon Act I, 2020. + INFO
“What if history has not been told properly?
And what if our history is haunted by cyclical violence
precisely because it has not been buried properly?”

Heroines, Birds and Monsters series, Creon Act III, 2020. + INFO

Heroines, Birds and Monsters series, Creon and Haemon, 2020. + INFO
“You see how the trees
that are bend beside the storming
winter floods save even their twigs,
while those that resist change
are torn up by their own roots”

Heroines, Birds and Monsters series, Antigone, 2020. + INFO
“I buried my brother,
and I would do it again.
I follow the law of humanity.
And I would say, that all these people here
would approve of what I have done,
if fear did not shut their mouths.
You are just a man,
You do not live forever,
and each man writes his own law.
I follow the law of humanity.”
Heroines, Birds and Monsters series, Sphinx Act I, 2020
“The Sphinx had the face of a woman, the body of a lion and wings like a bird.
She was placed by the gods at the gates of the city, because something terrible had happened in the past.
She would devour anyone who would not give the correct answer to her riddle, for one must know its own history.”

Heroines, Birds and Monsters series, Sphinx Act I, 2020. + INFO
“The Sphinx had the face of a woman,
the body of a lion and wings like a bird.
She was placed by the gods
at the gates of the city,
because something terrible
had happened in the past.
She would devour anyone who would
not give the correct answer to her riddle,
for one must know its own history.”
Heroines, Birds and Monsters series, Triptych 1, Antigone, 2020. + INFO
Heroines, Birds and Monsters series, Triptych 2, Sphinx, 2020. + INFO

Storyteller#1, 2020. + INFO